- መነሻ
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- ቆይታ: Oct 22 2024 - Nov 14 2024
- Attachment: ማውረድ
- አድራሻ: House No.97, Woreda 05, Kirkos Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Ethiopia KOICA Office
- ስልክ: +251 11 372 034
- ኢሜይል: ethiopia@koica.go.kr
Invitation for Bids
KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) Ethiopia Office intends to invite foreign and local eligible Bidders for the “Project for Enhancing Competitiveness of Leather and Leather Products Industry in Ethiopia.”
Summary of Bidding
Bid Title Construction and renovation works for the Project for Enhancing Competitiveness of Leather and Leather Products Industry in Ethiopia Purpose New construction and Remodeling of a factory, SME’s Support center, and related facilities Project Site Leather and Leather Product Institute (LLPI), Akaki Sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (8°92'60.4"N 38°75'82.8" E) (WQG5+84R) Scope of Works 1. Shoe Last Automation and Surface Upgrading Facility Construction
2. SME’s Support Center Remodeling
3. High-Vibrating Leather Drying Facility Remodeling
4. Site Electric and Minor Plumbing InstallationDuration Total 15 months from the Effective date Price (VAT exclusive) - Project Budget: USD 1,303,100.00
- Base Price: USD 1,270,523.00
- Estimated Price: to be determined
※ The Bidders’ Price Proposal should not exceed the Estimated Price, which will be decided
by calculation from this Basic Price, according to KOICA’s Bidding regulation. Any Bidder’s
price exceeding such value may result in the rejection of its Bid.※ The successful bidder shall be responsible for the preparation of any documentation
regarding tax exemption. KOICA shall provide all necessary documents as required by the
Ministry for their relevant transaction.※ KOICA shall neither retain the right nor take responsibility regarding any taxes including VAT,
which may incur in the process of bidding & contract agreement. Tax collection and refund
will be managed by the relevant laws and regulations of Ethiopia, with the responsible
authorities being LLPI (Leather and Leather Product Institute and the relevant authorities of
Ethiopia).- Employer: Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Ethiopia Office
- Bid Type: (Urgent) International Bidding, Open Competitive Bidding
- Selection of a Successful Bidder: Post-qualification
- The Estimated Price will be determined as the arithmetic mean value of 4 prices within the range of ±2.5% of the Base Price which is picked on the bid opening date.
- Based upon bid prices which shall be below the Estimated Price, but above the floor price of
86.745% of the Estimated Price, the Qualification Examination will be conducted. - Selection as a successful bidder is determined when the overall grade is higher than 95 points (the passing grade).
- Qualification examination will be conducted by the “Annex 1: Evaluation Criteria” which is adjusted by the condition of the receipt country in accordance with the ‘Standards of Qualification Examination for Selection of Constructor (July 6th, 2023)’, which has a priority if the guideline has a conflict. These documents will be distributed along with other bidding documents on October 28th.
4. Bidding Application: The format can be found at http://www.koica.go.kr/sites/eth_kr/index.do and https://www.2merkato.com/.
5. Currency and language of proposal: US Dollar and English. KOICA will distribute all the bidding documents in English and the Bidders should submit all bidding proposal documents either
in English or notarized in English from the local language.
6. The key personnel of the selected Bidder (Project Director and on-site Project Manager) shall have a good command of English in Speaking and Writing.
7. Bidding ScheduleSchedule Time and Date (International time, UTC+3) Memo Bid Announcement October 21st, 2024 (Mon) Newspaper(online & offline) /KOICA Ethiopia Office Website/KOICA e-procurement system Application for bidding Until 20:00 October 27th, 2024 (Sun) - The Bid Application Form is to be shared on KOICA Ethiopia Office website and online newspaper ads (2merkato.com)
- Bid Application Form(in the prescribed form 1) submission via Email (ethiopia@koica.go.kr)
Bidding Documents & Guidelines Distribution October 28th, 2024 (Mon) Shared via Bidders’ email individually Pre-Bid Orientation 14:00 October 28th, 2024 (Mon) - Location: KOICA Ethiopia Office
- Attendance non-mandatory
- Site visit after the Orientation recommended (non-mandatory) while not hosted and accompanied by the KOICA Ethiopia Office
Inquiries Until 16:00 November 1st, 2024 (Fri) - Via email only(ethiopia@koica.go.kr)
- Inquiries through other means than email will not be accepted.
Responses November 7th, 2024 (Thu) To be shared via email to all bidders Bid Submission Deadline Until 14:00 November 14th, 2024(Thu) Submission in person at KOICA Ethiopia Office Bid (Price) Opening 14:00 November 15th, 2024 (Fri) - Location: KOICA Ethiopia Office
- Qualified bidders will be notified via email.
Subject to change in bidding schedule due to unforeseen circumstances.
8. Minimum Qualification requirements:
- The following should be valid as of the date of the bid announcement (21st Oct 2024)
a. Enterprise with qualification to establish its constitution in accordance with the Laws of its own country
b. Enterprise (including a foreign company) with qualification to carry out the Construction Works in accordance with the Laws of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. (equivalent or above
GC5 or BC5)c. Enterprise that is not restricted by an international organization or a government, or that has not been declared ineligible for a contract, or that has not been sanctioned for it
d. Enterprises that has not been convicted of bribery-related crimes in accordance with domestic and foreign laws
e. Enterprise with more than one (1) completed a similar project in terms of the Construction Works, respectively, which has been successfully completed over 200,000 USD during the past ten (10)
years (2015.10.19-2024.10.20).- A similar Project is construction works that include industrial facilities (factories, warehouses, etc.), facilities for cultural activity and assembly, business facilities, sales facilities, and education and research facilities.
- The exchange rate follows the selling rate of the bid announcement date (21st Oct 2024), as per the National Bank of Ethiopia.
9. A list of Required Documents for Submission will be distributed when to those who express interest by submitting their bidding application before the deadline via email at ethiopia@koica.go.kr.
10. All bid Submission must be accompanied by a Bid Security of no less than Two Percent Points (2.0)% of the Total Bid Price or ETB 500,000 in any of the following forms;
a. an unconditional bank guarantee (a bank’s own form or Form 9);
b. CPO Addressed to “Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)”
- The bid security must be valid from the Bid submission date to at least 30 days after the Bid Submission Deadline.
- If the successful Bidder fails to sign the Contract, the bid security may be forfeited.
11. According to the relevant Act and Laws, KOICA prohibits this Bid participation against any Bidder who may be judged ineligible due to the following reasons;
a. A Bidder who has ever been restricted from bidding by International Organizations or Foreign Governments, or notified and sanctioned as an ineligible entity for a Construction Contract.
b. A Bidder who has been restricted from participating in Bidding under the disposition period since he was sentenced for an unrighteous entity.
c. A Bidder who has been sentenced for a crime related to bribery according to domestic or foreign laws and regulations.
12. KOICA will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection with the
preparation or delivery of bids.
13. Joint Venture is NOT allowed.Contact Point
1. Address: KOICA Ethiopia Office, P.O. BOX 5652, 10th floor, Platinum building, Bole sub-district 03(Bole Atlas), House Number 386 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2. Phone: (+251)11-372-0340
3. E-mail: ethiopia@koica.go.kr (cc: donglim.joo@junglim.com , redukeb@gmail.com)
(NOTE BEFORE) All the participating parties in the bid, during the bidding process and the bid selection,
the agreement and fulfillment of the contract, and any pertinent processes (including processes after
completion and delivery), must be fully acquainted with the 'Special Terms and Conditions of Integrity Pact', and submit the 'Integrity Pact Agreement (Implementation of memorandum)' when presenting the 'Bid Proposal'.You can report any forms of corruption or unfair practices during the current bidding and contract processes to the KOICA Ethiopia Office (☎ +251-11-372-0340~1/ ethiopia@koica.go.kr)
Please report to the KOICA Audit Department (clean@koica.go.kr), if a KOICA employee makes unreasonable demands such as money, valuables, hospitality, and entertainment
- ቆይታ: Oct 30 2024 - Nov 15 2024
- Attachment: ማውረድ
- አድራሻ: Addis Ababa, Ministry of Industry (MOI) 5th room 511
- The Public Body indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS) is the Contracting Authority for this procurement process and it is bound by the rules governing public procurement in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. It has the powers and duties to conclude a Contract for the supply of Goods and Related services. Accordingly, this procurement process is being conducted in accordance with the recent editions of the Ethiopian Federal Government Procurement and Property Administration Proclamation and Public Procurement Directive under the procurement method indicated in the BDS.
- By the issue of this Bidding Document the Public Body invites interested Candidates to submit their bids with a view to entering into Contract with the Public Body for the provision of Goods and Related Services which general description is provided in the BDS. The Goods and Related Services that are subject of this procurement process are more particularly specified in Section 6, Statement of Requirement upon the basis of the information supplied in and in accordance with this Bidding Document.
- The procurement reference number and number of lots of this Bidding Document are provided in the BDS. If Bids are being invited for individual contracts (lots) the Bidder may submit a Bid for one lot only, several or all of the lots. Each lot will form a separate contract and the quantities indicated for different lots will be indivisible. The Bidder must offer the whole of the quantity or quantities indicated for each lot.
- Each Bidder may only submit one Bid, either individually or as a partner in joint venture. A Bidder who submits or participates in more than one Bid (other than as a subcontractor or in cases of alternatives that have been permitted or requested) will cause all the Bids with the Bidder’s participation to be disqualified.
- This Section 1, Instructions to Bidders shall not form a part of the Contract. These instructions are intended to assist prospective Bidders in the preparation of their Bids.
- Issuance of this Bidding Document does not in any way obligate the Public Body to award a Contract.
- The Public Body retains ownership of all bids submitted in response to this Bidding Document. Consequently, Bidders have no right to have their bids returned to them except late bids.
- In submitting a bid, the Bidder accepts in full and without restriction this Bidding Document as the sole basis of this procurement procedure, whatever his own conditions of sale may be, which he hereby waives. Bidders are expected to examine carefully and comply with all instructions, forms, contract provisions and specifications contained in this Bidding Document. Failure to submit a bid containing all the required information and documentation within the deadline specified may lead to the rejection of the bid. No account can be taken of any reservation in the bid as regards the Bidding Document; any reservation will result in the immediate rejection of the bid without further evaluation.
- The permitted method of communication shall be in writing. Throughout these Bidding Documents the term "in writing" means communicated in written form and delivered against receipt.
- ቆይታ: Jan 17 2025 - Jan 31 2025
- Attachment: ማውረድ
- አድራሻ: Addis Ababa, 4kilo Ministry of Industry
- ስልክ: 251-917-180001
- ኢሜይል: gjrmateferi31@gmail.com
Standard Procurement Document
Request for Bids
Name of Project: OS-Integrated Agro-Industrial Park project
Contract Title: Procurement of Vehicles
RFB Reference No.: NCB MOI/ OS-IAIP 01/2025